Participate and amazement was announced at the Day of Action "hands-on technology" in the Audi Forum in Neckarsulm. Young inventors were allowed their skills to the test.
NECKARSULM. Meet in an Audi, a BMW, a Mercedes and a Vauxhall in the Audi Forum in Neckarsulm. No, this is not a car-joke, but last Saturday was the day of action "hands-on technology" in and around the Audi Forum in Neckarsulm reality in many places.
With many hands-on activities, a DTM special, the stop of the Heidelberg Historic and many more Audi attracted about 4,500 visitors at its production site on the Neckar. "It is a day of action for the whole family with a focus on children and young people," emphasized organizer Yvonne townspeople against the Frankish messages.
For the youngest generation in that day, most caution. Particular attention will attract the workshop: Once build a solar racer himself, or modify an Audi R8 on the PC. No problem. Get the young inventor explains how a solar cell works and can be implemented by experts in the CAD program. Then comes the exciting part: "The young people may speak their own facelift of the Audi R8, create," says city dwellers and would really prefer to join. The result of getting the children on a USB stick home.