Manfred Thiele from Bonn village is now 70 years old / 40 years he has worked for Dunkermotoren and youth work.
BONNDORF. Almost an example to read the biography of Manfred Thiele, who has lived 40 years in Bonn village and today the 70th Birthday. Born middle of the war in Berlin and grew up influenced debris, hunger, raisin bombers, Berlin Blockade and the Berlin Wall's childhood significantly. "It was not a good time, but it was indeed all the same," says Manfred Thiele today, looking back.
After his secondary school level Thiele first learned the trade of tool maker, prepared already during the training courses in the evening before at the School of Engineering gauss, where he then continued to the manufacturing engineer qualified and worked as such at AEG in Berlin.
The atmosphere in Berlin was at that time but "not great" and he readily followed in 1970 an offer of Dunkermotoren. Initially responsible for rationalization, it was here, after four months, the management of the production preparation transferred. Ten years later, Manfred Thiele, head of materials management. His actions led to reduced inventories to about a third, reduced lead times and improved delivery performance was mainly what led to significant sales increases.